Saturday, November 15, 2008

What Manner of Conversation Is This?

Nov 8th, 2008

It’s been four days since the presidential elections in the US. Days of heart-ache and disappointment for those who believed pro-life would win over death in the womb. The heaviness was inescapable. I felt it and I knew why. I turned to the scriptures looking everywhere for a ray of hope. It came in an unusual way. Like uncorking a bottle of vintage wine the lid came off and the water of His word became like joyful wine unto me. Here’s what I saw.

“What manner of conversation is this?” (Lk 24:13-21)

Two disciples walking away from an election swayed by the people’s choice talked despairingly with each other. The current events weighed heavy upon them. How could this have happened? Was the all night prayer vigil ineffective? (Matt 26:36-47) Could the vote not be swayed by righteous prayers?

Mocking choruses of ridicule and scoffing ended the campaigns. How could one whose murderous reputation influence the masses with overwhelming popularity? How could one called of God to rule nations be so mercilessly destroyed? How can people who can’t govern their own lives have the wisdom to choose a leader to govern a nation? How?

Rehashing the events, questioning the choices, wondering the thousand what-ifs and hiccuping the myriad if only these men walked….away. Then he came, a stranger, asking the most unusual question, “What manner of conversation is this?”

He seems aloof, this stranger who came alongside the downcast, to the news. Don’t you know? Can’t he see the repercussions of such an election? Can the nation survive amidst the smug indifference of the one chosen by man? The question resounds again in the heart of the dejected.

What manner of conversation is this? Why? Must you ask? Why our heads are bowed low and we wonder, “What next?” Do you not know what has just happened?

In the days since our election here in the US there are those whose conversations show no celebratory lines. Just a dismal reminiscing, “We trusted….it was he.” (Lk 24:21) Yes, we thought it was him. We thought we knew our earnest appeal would prevail. Yet, no one seemed to have comprehended the word of the Lord. Yes, they were briefed. The election results were proclaimed prior to the final crowd-honored tally. So was ours. Once they cried “Give us Barabbas”. Now, they cry, “Give us Change.” How close it sounds, Barabbas, son of a father. How very close it seems to Son of God. Yet the people's choice was a murderer. Is that any different than a radical pro-choice candidate. The Giver of Life will arise from this defeat with resurrection power. Watch as He comes with as The Resurrection and the Life.

Again, we ask, What manner of conversation is this?

You must drink this cup, knowing man will make wrong choices, freeing the guilty and slaying the One who governs in righteousness. You must drink this cup knowing the spilling of blood will ultimately prevail over man’s poor choices.

Just believe. The Resurrection and the Life still comes along side his disciples to open their eyes. Expect an unusual visitation.

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